Level of Access & Default Store
Step 1: Choose Level of Access*
Step 2: Choose Your Default Store *
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Role Selection
Learn more about the Roles
- Role
- Approver Users can navigate the store, request quotations and submit orders. In addition, they have the ability to review Builder users orders and approve or reject them.
- Browser Users are able to navigate the store and get to know their products catalog and pricing. However, they will not be able to checkout to place orders or request quotes.
- Builder Users are able to navigate the store, submit quotations and also create orders that will require approval from an Approver or Customer Administrator user before being submitted to Lenovo.
- Buyer Users can navigate the store, request quotations and place orders.
- Customer Admin Users can navigate the store, request quotations and submit orders. They have the ability to review Builder users orders and approve or reject them. In addition, Customer Administrators can manage the user registrations to the portal.
- Customer Admin Users can navigate the store, request quotations and submit orders. They have the ability to review Builder users orders and approve or reject them. In addition, Customer Administrators can manage the user registrations to the portal.
- Punchout Customer Punchout Customers
Change Role
The role you selected requires approval. You're about to be logged off and won't be able to log in until new role is approved. Do you want to proceed?
Om du avaktiverar ditt konto stängs ALLA konton i Lenovo-butiker som är kopplade till den här e-mail adressen. Följaktligen kommer du inte längre att kunna logga in i någon Lenovobutik med den här e-mail adressen.
Om du vill påbörja borttagningen matar du in ditt kontolösenord nedan och klickar sedan på Skicka. När du har matat in lösenordet kommer du att bli ombedd att ange en verifieringskod på den här sidan. Efter att du har skrivit in koden kommer du att få ett e-postmeddelande med en unik verifieringskod. Du går då tillbaka till den här sidan och matar in verifieringskoden från din e-post. När du har matat in verifieringskoden från e-postmeddelandet kommer kontot att raderas efter att du loggat ut.

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