Level of Access & Default Store

Step 1: Choose Level of Access*

Step 2: Choose Your Default Store *

  • Select
  • Country
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Manage Account

Skift din adgangskode til konto
Skift adgangskode
Incorrect password.
Det er de butikker, du har adgang til på din organisations portal. Hvis der er flere butikker tilgængelige for din brugerkonto, kan du opdatere din standardbutik her.

Change Level of Access, Default Store & Role

Role Selection

Learn more about the Roles

  • Role
  • Approver Users can navigate the store, request quotations and submit orders. In addition, they have the ability to review Builder users orders and approve or reject them.
  • Browser Users are able to navigate the store and get to know their products catalog and pricing. However, they will not be able to checkout to place orders or request quotes.
  • Builder Users are able to navigate the store, submit quotations and also create orders that will require approval from an Approver or Customer Administrator user before being submitted to Lenovo.
  • Buyer Users can navigate the store, request quotations and place orders.
  • Customer Admin Users can navigate the store, request quotations and submit orders. They have the ability to review Builder users orders and approve or reject them. In addition, Customer Administrators can manage the user registrations to the portal.
  • Customer Admin Users can navigate the store, request quotations and submit orders. They have the ability to review Builder users orders and approve or reject them. In addition, Customer Administrators can manage the user registrations to the portal.
  • Punchout Customer Punchout Customers
Update Role

Change Role

The role you selected requires approval. You're about to be logged off and won't be able to log in until new role is approved. Do you want to proceed?

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Indtast et gyldigt datoformat som: DD/MM/ÅÅÅÅ.
Please remove any special characters from the name.
Angiv et gyldigt postnummerformat.
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[Required] Consent to collection and use of personal information ×
The company collects the following personal information for account management through this website.
Collection Items Collection Purpose Retention Period
Title, Date of Birth, Company name, Postal code, Country information Account management Deleted upon withdrawal of membership
※ You may refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information as described above, but if you refuse consent, you can’t add information to your account.

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Lenovo Pro for Business

From the brand that powers the success of more businesses globally than any other, Lenovo Pro offers instant access to the business-critical IT tools you need to succeed - whether you're a startup or a mature business.

Lenovo Gaming

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Lenovo Education

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[Required] Consent to collection and use of personal information for advertising purposes1 ×
The company collects the following personal information to provide marketing and promotional services through this website.1
Collection Item1 Collection Purpose1 Retention Period1
Phone number, Secondary email address1 Sending personalized advertisements and providing information about events and promotions through electronic transmission media such as email1 Deleted without delay when consent is withdrawn or membership is withdrawn.1
※ You may refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information as described above, but if you refuse consent, you will not be able to receive marketing and promotional services.1
Deactivate Account
Are you sure you want to Deactivate your account?
Yes, I want to deactivate my account and understand that I will lose access to My Account, My Family Hub and Order History.
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[필수] 개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의
Collection Item1
Collection Purpose1
Retention Period1
Phone number, Secondary email address1
Sending personalized advertisements and providing information about events and promotions through electronic transmission media such as email1
Deleted without delay when consent is withdrawn or membership is withdrawn.1
※ You may refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information as described above, but if you refuse consent, you will not be able to receive marketing and promotional services.1
The company collects the following personal information to provide marketing and promotional services through this website.1
[Required] Consent to collection and use of personal information for advertising purposes1
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Consent to collection and use of personal information for advertising purposes
Collection Items
Collection Purpose
Retention Period
Title, Date of Birth, Company name, Postal code, Country information
Account management
Deleted upon withdrawal of membership
※ You may refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information as described above, but if you refuse consent, you can’t add information to your account.
The company collects the following personal information for account management through this website.
[Required] Consent to collection and use of personal information
Extension must be png,jpg,gif,jpeg!
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[필수] 개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의
Collection Item1
Collection Purpose1
Retention Period1
Phone number, Secondary email address1
Sending personalized advertisements and providing information about events and promotions through electronic transmission media such as email1
Deleted without delay when consent is withdrawn or membership is withdrawn.1
※ You may refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information as described above, but if you refuse consent, you will not be able to receive marketing and promotional services.1
The company collects the following personal information to provide marketing and promotional services through this website.1
[Required] Consent to collection and use of personal information for advertising purposes1
File size must less than 3MB!
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광고성 정보 수신 동의
Consent to collection and use of personal information for advertising purposes
Password must have at least
8-20 tegn
Medtag to af følgende: bogstaver, tal og symboler ($!#&)
Indtast et navn med alfanumeriske tegn. Fjern specialtegn.
Indtast et navn med alfanumeriske tegn. Fjern specialtegn.
Please remove any special characters from the name.
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Du er et skridt tættere på eksklusive uddannelsesrabatter! Bekræft én gang med gemt bekræftelsesstatus i et år.
Oh no! The verification status we have on file for you expired. Don't worry, you can reverify now to continue participating in Lenovo Education Benefits. Remember, your verification status will be stored for another year after you reverify.
Verify As student
Verify as Teacher
Reverify as Student
Verification Expired
Verify Your Account
Reverify as Teacher
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Change Level of Access, Default Store & Role
Bekræftelse udløber den
Når du er blevet bekræftet, kan du få særlige rabatter og tilbud
Særlige tilbud til bekræftede studerende i alderen 16+
Oh no! The verification status we have on file for you expired. Don't worry, you can reverify now to continue participating in Lenovo Education Benefits. Remember your verification status will be stored for another year after you reverify.