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Pro for Business
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Lenovo Pro
Lenovo Pro Business Store
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{username} has shared a Wishlist on {store} with you! In order to see the exclusive pricing and offers for this site, please have the sender share their log-in credentials with you. In the mean time, feel free to view this wishlist on our public site: 


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Create your Lenovo Pro Company Profile

Please enter Company Name
Please enter a valid 4-digit PostCode

Please select company from the results below:

  • {{item.exAccountName}}
    {{item.exAddr_Line_1}},{{item.exCity}},{{item.exState}} {{item.exPostalCd}}
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Create your LenovoPro Company Profile

CPNJ {{cnpjNumber}}
Company: {{companyName}}
cnpjAddress {{cnpjAddress}}
cnpjCity {{cnpjCity}}
State {{cnpjState}}
Postcode {{cnpjZipCode}}
Postcode {{zipCode}}
  • {{item.regionName}}
Please update all required fields.
  • {{item.description}}
Please update all required fields.
  • {{item.description}}
Please update all required fields.
Please enter 10 digits only: ##########
Please update all required fields.
  • {{item.description}}
Please update all required fields.
An ABN must contain 11 digits.
Rep ID
Rep ID must be a 10-digit number

Products and Services purchased on the Lenovo Pro website are for customer’s own use and not for resale. Lenovo Pro membership is intended for Small and Medium-sized (SMB) companies only. Lenovo reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders if Lenovo suspects customer is purchasing Products and Services for the purpose of reselling them, or does not qualify as an SMB.

You must accept the terms and conditions for joining Lenovo Pro and Lenovo Pro Community before creating an account.
I have read and accept the terms and conditions for joining Lenovo Pro and the Lenovo Pro Community.
I want to join My Lenovo Rewards to earn points on my purchases. I agree to the Loyalty Program Terms of Service and to receive Lenovo marketing communications via email.
I would like to receive occasional emails or calls about new Lenovo Pro features, special offers and services.
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Your membership is pending approval. The administrator for this company has been notified and will review your application.

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Thank you for creating an account. Please check your {{email}} account for a “Welcome to Lenovo email and click the link on it to confirm your account. This verification link will expire in 24 hours."

Please enter your CNPJ number to populate your company details.
Invalid CNPJ number
Please enter a valid format. Example: 99.999.999/9999-99
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